The Parish of St. Matthew and St. Luke, Chadderton
“Living out our call to share the Gospel in Faith, Hope and Love”
St. Matthew’s church serves the parish of St. Matthew and St. Luke, Chadderton and is privileged to have 2 Church of England VA primary schools with which it works closely, and 4 other schools with which it has links, within the parish boundary. The church provides foundation governors for both church schools, and supports the life of the schools in many different ways. At St. Matthew’s school we are particularly pleased to be involved in regular assemblies, supporting the curriculum through class visits to the church, supporting the curriculum through the sacraments of the church, and year groups leading worship for school in the church. The church and schools in north Chadderton form the hub of community life, and are very important to us all in this community. As a church we seek to support and affirm the young people of this parish, enabling them to reach their full potential and discovering who they are as members of God’s family. The schools support the life of the church in many ways, for example, at the end of the summer term at the church’s Summer Festival the choir and young people of St. Matthew’s school played a major part. As a school and church we are blessed with children of many and varied talents, which we nurture and encourage.